Of course, any group of citizens should be free to establish a private school that addresses issues or meets needs related to their students that they feel are not addressed in the public schools. As minorities that have suffered discrimination from institutions in the mainstream culture, it is not unexpected that long ago Catholics and Jews set up their own schools in America - and recently Muslims and other minority religious groups have followed suit. EUTHANASIA OF NEWBORNS? (AP) The Groningen Protocol, as the hospital’s guidelines have come to be known, would create a legal framework for permitting doctors to actively end the life of newborns deemed to be in pain from incurable disease or extreme deformities. This appears to me, from what is in the article, to be a rational approach to severely damaged newborns. Keep in mind - it is an option for the parents. They may choose another course of action. I realize the concept of terminating newborns is an emotionallly disturbing decision - but it is the most sensible way to handle such occurrences - to provide the OPTION.
A Wahhabi Fifth Column in the US?
Unlike the Catholics or the Jews, the Muslims have established a majority of mosques and affiliated schools that teach a particularly virulent Wahhabist fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran that prepares students for the destruction of Western Civilization. These madras are funded almost entirely by Saudi sources.
Let's be clear - we're not talking about encouraging young people to dissent from public policy, which is an American right, but these schools are breeding Islamist insurgents to fight and die against the infidels -that is, other citizens in their welcoming host-country.
Just as this is not one world, Islam is not a religion that speaks with a single voice. Islam, as many adherents will insist with relative validity is a "religion of peace". It is as true for them as it is for Catholic or Jewish believers.
Which of the various Officers, Directors, Czars, et al., who are charged by our president with securing our homeland, will step forward and inform the media and the public concerning the threat of a militant Wahhabist Fifth Column in our midst - even as we lose young men and women every day fighting similarly-educated insurgents half-way 'round the world?
The guideline says euthanasia is acceptable when *** the child’s medical team and independent doctors agree the pain cannot be eased and there is no prospect for improvement, and when parents think it’s best.***
Examples include extremely premature births, where children suffer brain damage from bleeding and convulsions; and diseases where a child could only survive on life support for the rest of its life, such as severe cases of spina bifida and epidermosis bullosa, a rare blistering illness.
The hospital revealed last month it carried out four such mercy killings in 2003, and reported all cases to government prosecutors.
The man who released sensitive recordings of conversations with George W. Bush helped pave the way for the ascendancy of the religious right. Why did Doug Wead go public? With the election over, is this new revelation a reminder to Mr. Bush of who's in charge of the White House political agenda - or wants to be?... The clue for a motivation in releases the secret recordings may have to do with concerns over the GOP's priorities. High on the agenda are weighty issues including the war on terror, rising health costs, education and Social Security reform. Evangelical leaders like James Dobson of the Focus on the Family Group reportedly feel betrayed that other "morals" issues -- aggressive efforts to end abortion and gay marriage, or return prayer to the public schools -- may be receiving less emphasis than they would like.
... The release of confidential tapes which show the president as a flawed but devout "man of faith" and regular Bible reader may be a reminder that debt is owed, and that those who share the religious values of men like Doug Wead intend to collect ..."Discrimination is about judging a person on the basis of his or her being, not his or her doing. Discrimination is about forcing a definition on all members of a rejected minority. People always use irrational conclusions to justify their prejudices ... " [Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong]