whom he saluted as a young man?
"God - Dat Merry Prankster " ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE, ANNIE NO FANNY . . . TIME Mag "While dominant society has embraced a binary gender system (male-female), Ms. Mouse believes this is only a construction. Gender is a fluid and mutable category, open to a range of emotion and identity. We cross the boundaries of the traditoinal binary gender system all the time in our daily lives. In short, Ms. Mouse is a transgendered mouse. She believes that what you look like to others doesn't matter, it's how you identify that counts." ["Chapelle (nee Chap) Mouse" - a transgendered puppet used to promote chapel activities at Episcopal Divinity School (Cambridge, MA). Ms. Mouse "came out" in a column in Common Fare: The Newsletter of the Episcopal Divinity School, where she was promoting the upcoming Queer Week at the school.] DO YOU BOYCOTT? Yes - We boycott Wal-Mart primarily because of their unfair treatment of workers and their aggressive anti-union policies.
We wrote letters and networked with activists to try to hurt their pie sales. After about 10-12 years, our little boycott must have had an effect - 'cuz the nut-fundies sold the business to more open-minded entrepreneurs. ![]() I follow politics in the way a sports fanatic follows stats and player matchups. I characterize my team as the "Rationalist-Progressives" (hint: atheist-liberals). I don't believe in anything unless I can eat it, drink it, drive it, make love to it, or otherwise discern evidence of it. I recognize no gods, no masters and "angel" jabber and kitsch make me nuts!
I'm a fiscal conservative; a social liberal; and generally predisposed to maximizing personal autonomy. If I HAD a religion, it's sacred text would be the Progressive Income Tax tables that made this country so great for much of the last century.
From the WYSO-FM Community Radio website
(in Mellow Yellow Springs): "There is so much amazing music being made these days. You won't hear it on most radio stations in the Miami Valley. Here at WYSO we have the freedom and the desire to share this incredible music with our listeners. Niki Dakota spends six hours every weekday crafting a melange of sounds ranging across the musical spectrum. Blues. jazz, folk, salsa – one never knows what musical treat will come next. (Click Niki)
Niki Dakota comes to WYSO after a decade at greater-Cincinnati's WNKU-FM where, among other distinctions, she was voted "Favorite Public Radio Voice" in 2001 by the readers the Cincinnati weekly newspaper, CityBeat."
LISTEN LIVE to Niki & all the WYSO Programming, 24/7 Little Queenie's 79 t'day.
__________ Rev. Art