T'DAY'S SUNDAY, July 3, 2ôô5
(Click on thumbnails to view)
(Click thumbnails to view) (3)
Remember "THE PRISONER" -
with PATRICK McGOOHAN writing, directing,
and portraying the title character?
NUMBER TWO: You Are Number Six!
THE PRISONER: "I am not a number, I am a FREE MAN!"
THE GENERAL: "You're a fool Number Six, that's my opinion. You'll be here as long as you live...No point in fighting battles you can't win."
and ... "You wouldn't want to be disharmonious..."
(Click to view the symbol of "The Village")
Be Seeing You!

(Click to view ACLU activists dissing the
Patriot Act - you can still DO THAT?!?)

Happy 65th Birthday to Fontella Bass!
("Rescue Me") - Sunday, July 3.
Do I get to help blow out the CANDLES??
SIX WORD NOVELS? Sure. Check 'em out.
"For sale: baby shoes, never used." [Ernest Hemingway]
(Papa exercised his right to die by inhaling the contenets of a shotgun July 2, 1961.)
All her life; half a house. [Jamie O'Neill]
"As she fell, her mind wandered." [Rebecca Miller]
"Horney professor. Failing coed. No tenure. [Sue Grafton]
"I saw. I conquered. I couldn't come." [David Lodge]
"My nemesis is dead. Now what?" [Michael Cunningham]
"Forgive me!" What for?" "Never mind." [John Updike]
What GOOD is a CARDBOARD suitcase ANYWAY?
(Click to view example:
Dayton's Good neighbor Policy)
Dayton has the MOST ASHTRAYS per capita of any American city.
I disputed sentence structure with SUSAN SONTAG -
just before she died . . .
Come home with ME ... I have Tylenol!!
The seven basic food groups? Uh, BEER!
Some may say that Hemingway would not approve
Of Spain's "Si" to all things gay
The land where macho men tame bulls
Has approved gay marriage, yes it's true!
Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my,
It makes one rethink that old bull's eye.
THIS JUST _________ IN ! !
After my loss in 2000, I was so despondent, I tried suicide . . . but, since I drive an electric car, I just got really dehydrated. [Al Gore]
Broken Newz
Washington, D.C. - In a move that has legal experts scratching their heads, Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and the first woman appointed to that position, announced today that she will be retiring from the bench at the end of the court's session and will be joining the 1960s iconic soul group THE SUPREMES.
AN OBSERVER: " ... At parties Sandy and Justice Souter often do a mean impersonation of Peaches and Herb."
WONKETTE Sandra Day's leaving! We suspect that whole Rehnquist things was a dodge - he's at home on the ellipitical machine even as we speak.
And Bush gave a statement about it at 11:15 the day before a recess and a four-day weekend. It's the biggest 'fuck you' to the White House press corps since lying to them about the war.
Before naming a successor to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, President Bush will allow Democrats and progressives to spend the 4th of July holiday frantically pleading for moderation and consensus. Then he'll pick whoever he wants. Or as Scott McClellan puts it, "I can't imagine that the Democrats would want to engage in controversial tactics when it comes to a nominee for the Supreme Court."
Now that Time Inc. has turned over documents to federal court, presumably revealing who its reporter, Matt Cooper, identified as his source in the Valerie Plame/CIA case, speculation runs rampant on the name of that source, and what might happen to him or her. Friday, on the syndicated McLaughlin Group political talk show, Lawrence O'Donnell, senior MSNBC political analyst, claimed to know that name:
"And I know I'm going to get pulled into the grand jury for saying this but the source of...for Matt Cooper was KARL ROVE (the geek they refer to as "Bush's Brain"), and THAT will be revealed in this document dump that Time magazine's going to do with the grand jury."
IF TRUE ... and IF ROVE told the grand jury he didn't leak to Cooper - will we see a perjury rap for Rove?
Meanwhile the NEW YORK TIMES is standing tough, refusing to turn over docs to keep Judy Miller outta the big house where everybody gets bitch-slapped routinely. She should pick out her tats as she waits to be incarcerated with all those other box-chompers.
The Supreme Court said last week a state can seize your home to build shopping centers. It's for the greater good. Due to the obesity epidemic, people buying larger-sized clothes every three months is the only thing keeping the economy going.
On Monday June 27, Logan Darrow Clements, faxed a request to Chip Meany the code enforcement officer of the Towne of Weare, New Hampshire34 Cilley Hill Road. This is the present location of SUPREME COURT JUSTICE DAVID SOUTER'S home, which he shared with his Mumsy when he got the call from Bush 41. seeking to start the application process to build THE LIBERTY HOTEL on
The soft-spoken, liberty-loving LOGAN DARROW CLEMENTS (think Mr. Rogers channeling Ayn Rand) said:
"This is not a prank…The Towne of Weare has five people on the Board of Selectmen. If three of them vote to use the power of eminent domain to take this land from Mr. Souter we can begin our hotel development."
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Ten Commandments may be replaced with Bob Dylan lyrics. This raises once again the specter of contentious arguments between DYLAN is God adherents vs. the Jehovah afficianadoes.
Here are Comedian Argus Hamilton's best current affairs musings this week:
President Bush said Tuesday U.S. troops will leave Iraq as soon as Iraqi troops are able to put down the insurgency. This could be humbling. The only person in Iraq who can put down the insurgency is eating Doritos in his tidy whities in a Baghdad prison cell.

President Bush thanked Germany for assigning the German Army to train Iraqi troops. This is huge. Soon Iraq will have an army that can guard the oil, defeat the insurgents and roll through France faster than you can say Lance Armstrong.
Artist: Malcolm Aslett
Karl Rove was denounced by Democrats for stating that liberals wanted to give the September 11th attackers therapy and understanding. Is he out of his mind? The liberal reaction to a surprise attack is still a sore spot with Japan!!
The House banned Medicaid and Medicare from paying for Viagra on Friday. The new rules are strict. You're not allowed to have a government-funded erection unless it holds back the Rappahannock River and is named after Senator Robert F. Byrd.
Bill Clinton flew up to Maine for a book signing Monday and then traveled to Kennebunkport to visit former President Bush. They had a nice talk and went out on the speedboat together. Hillary can't believe he's seeing another president.
Dr. James Dobson last week blamed classroom anarchy on a lack of discipline by schools and parents. He's fighting an uphill battle. I'll tell ya - I soon learned never to raise my hand to our kids - IT LEFT MY GROIN UNPROTECTED!
Tony Blair's son Euan Blair is coming to Washington to intern for California Republican Congressman David Dreier. That's wonderful. It restores your faith to think that after the Michael Jackson trial, people will still entrust their sons to Californians (particularly to the clumsily-closeted Congressman Dreier).
Congress threatened on Friday to void the proposed purchase of Unocal Oil by China's state-owned oil company. It's not a good idea. The trouble with allowing China to own gas stations is, an hour after you fill up the car, you're empty again.
Miniature yapping canine actor Tom Cruise was ripped by Congress Wednesday over his criticism of psychiatry that's based on his belief in Scientology. It's a goofy fringe sect. Scientology is never going to be taken seriously as a religion until they start molesting boys.
Buckingham Palace revealed that the Royal Family costs each British taxpayer a little over one dollar a year. That is amazing. To match this comedy bargain you would have to find a DVD of the first season of Blue Collar Comedy TV in the K-Mart discount bin.
Click it!
Category - Adult
Review - The NC-17 rating could scare off a families but is quite deserving. Ron Jeremy does an excellent job portraying the ex-president and at times truly convinces you to hail the chief.
Stephanie Powers still keeps her
pussy nicely-groomed, yes?

(Click to view the illegal alien problem
at the Kroger's in Beverly Hills ... )

(Click to view)
Kim Du Toit
Mariska Hargitay -
She's in one of those
Law & Order Spin-Offs -
the daughter of Jane Mansfield
& Body Builder Mickey Hargitay.
(Click thumbnail to view)
Good fortune. Please spread the meme.
COMMENT!! Don't smoke in bed, Ol' Sleepy Head . . .