To paraphrase a war hero: How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for an incompetent? [Dan Savage]
Since we know Repugs are irony-deficient - I guess we should take this as "mean-spirited" . . . Truth Caucus
In a scene reminiscent of a bad American Idol audition, the crowd at the *** 2003 College Republican Convention *** broke out singing, “Stomping Out the Reds”,
a song written to the music of “Bringing in the Sheaves”, a popular song in Nazi Germany. Here are the lyrics:
To the tune of “Bringing in the Sheaves” (Or in Utah - "the Sheeps")
Meet the Left in action, put them all in traction,
Get great satisfaction, bashing in their heads!
Hear each girl and boy sing, triumph loudly voicing,
We’ll advance rejoicing, stomping out the Reds!
Stomping out the Reds, stomping out the Reds,
We’ll advance rejoicing, stomping out the Reds!
Lib’rals who pooh-pooh them, radicals who woo them,
Pinkoes who debut them, all are dunderheads!
Gladly we’ll embrue them, hew and barbecue them,
Passing bullets through them, stomping out the Reds!
Stomping out the Reds, stomping out the Reds,
Passing Bullets through them, stomping out the Reds!
Bayonets bright gleaming, panzers forward streaming,
Hear the Commies screaming, underneath our treads!
Scorn their masses teeming, and their traitors’ scheming,
We’re the West redeeming, stomping out the Reds!
Stomping out the Reds, stomping out the Reds,
We’re the west redeeming, stomping out the Reds!
Andrew Sullivan is vacationing - but Walter, the guest blogger, opined:
One of the biggest economic stories of our time - finding a way to sustain the Chinese economy - keeps developing. China is now moving in on Central Asia's oil supplies by buying oil-fields, while the U.S. is trying to keep Iraq in one piece. Advantage: Beijing.
Cindy Adams gossiping in [NYP] "On Bibi Netanyahu's iPod playlist: 'These Boots Are Made for Walking,' ' Everybody Wants to Rule the World,' Born in the U.S.A.'"
Word to "Intelligent Design" Evangelistas: How's this?
Anyone who doesn't believe in evolution should volunteer to forego the benefits of evolution. No eyes, no walking upright, no opposable thumbs. It's back to the primordial ooze for members of the Kansas Board of Education AND the "scientists" who shill for The Discovery Institute!
Is this significant? Pretty much all of my life, with occasional moments of imbalance, a cup of coffee and a gallon of gas have been about the same price. A few years ago, coffee took the lead, but recently gas caught up. Yesterday, gas took the lead, however, and I bet it will stay in the lead at least until Starbucks invents a new gimmick such as blending bee pollen with java and infusing it with ionized oxgygen to create a ten-dollar morning super-drink. In fact, yesterday was the day when gas officially became a luxury item for me, much as coffee did a couple of years ago and water did, too, come to think of it.
Meaning that when I fill my tank I feel like I'm treating myself now instead of paying a necessary bill for an unappreciated commodity. Savor this, I tell myself -- driving is not a right, it's an indulgence ...
MORE from Greg Gutfeld:
I know who could play Cindy Sheehan in the movie (called SHOWDOWN IN CRAWFORD): Bob Denver. no offense - it's just the hat. The hat -- all I see is the hat. I gather it's healthy to wear a hat like that in sunny climates. Alan Hale, Jr. could play Michael Moore.
There was a huge article in the Sunday paper on great US athletes. I read the feature on male athletes, without ever looking at the pictures. When I got to the female section of the article, I didn't read it at all. I just looked at the pictures and said, "She's not bad looking."
"She's pretty cute."
This explains something completely truthful about men. When you figure it out, call me.
Dayton's bill for the Iraq boondoggle is $56 MILLION - more than the total bill for Governor Taft's Coingate.
Like Something Out of 1984: A Dec. 3, 1984 The New Republic editorial offered a semi-prescient list of "good ideas for Democrats to start chewing on." One in particular seemed ripped from today's headlines - much more relevant today, actually, than it was back in 1984, before the fall of the Berlin Wall:
A United Nations of the democracies. A world body composed only of nations that share our most important values might be a more effective forum for addressing some of the international concerns now being ignored or parodied in the glass house by the East River. The promise of membership in such a prestigious club, and the threat of expulsion, might even become effective incentives for democratic behavior by countries on the brink. The first issue a "democratic U.N." might usefully address would be a treaty to fight terrorism. A common, and not always unjust, complaint about the Democratic Party is that it has become isolationist. If the "liberal internationalism" that the Scoop Jackson wing of the party claims to long for is to be distinguished from the foreign policy of President Reagan, it must include cooperative elements like this, and not just a military buildup and concomitant snarling.
cc: Senators Hillary, Feingold, et al., Generals Clark & McCaffrey, and Governors Richardson & Warner ...
Au Revoir . . .
The sign proclaiming Mount Vernon, Ohio, as the birthplace of Paul Lynde was recently changed to read: "Home of Daniel Decatur Emmett, Author of 'Dixie.'"
There's a CHRISTIAN girl bloggin' @ Take a Number Please against sexual self-gratification. She goes on and on and it just gets better. She even lists some statements on wanking- off by Dr. James Dobson and takes him to task for compromising the "biblical" standards. She sure knows a lot about masturbation for one who thinks it's such a BAD THING . . . Some of the comments that follow are priceless!
(The Donald: "You're FIRED!")
Judd: "I have been fighting this for a long time. I suspect I'll be fighting it well into old age, when hopefully the blessings of dotage will dull it somewhat. It's agonizing, I'll grant. But let me tell you something ... it is a high honor to fight this fight with Christ as my ally. I bear scars, and may yet sustain more. But the battle is fierce and glorious, and my heart sings with the promise of victory."
David: " ... I don't think the snake in Genesis is the same as the one in your trousers."
blue lang: " ... this is a whole lot of rhetoric to say "the bible says so."
Mark: "If God didn't want us to masturbate, he'd have made our arms 8" shorter. Also, there is no God ..."
Da Rev is pullin' for peace in the Middle East. As war clouds thicken, choke your chicken.
(The ULTIMATE wanker's website: JackIn World )
I don't know the literal translation for the Danish term - "SLUTSPURT", but in practice it means "BIG SALE!"
Another favorite, in Koebenhavn, IS "BADFART", which means "BOAT EXCURSION."