Bill Moyer, 73, wears a "Bullshit Protector" flap over his ear while President George W. Bush addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars. (AP Photo / Douglas C. Pizac)
Wonkette asks: Are columnists really just bloggers with health insurance?
Internet Weekly
Why doesn't someone ask Pat Robertson - or Jesus-Boy Bush, or King Jimmy Dobson or Jerry Foolwell or PRick Santorum —what they think about Iran executing gay men?!
Pat's black sidekick on 700 Club*:
Wait a minute, Pat - you don't mean to say we should copy what they're doing in Iran and send homosexuals to the gallows, do you?!
Yes. I just said it. In a Christian nation I think we SHOULD be hangin' homos. God would be pleased with that.
The test of mainstream Republicans' integrity is if they do not simply denounce this comment but denounce Robertson and his political machine. He is their Michael Moore. Andrew Sullivan
* I Googled for this guy but couldn't come up with his name. I don't watch 700 Club very often. He wasn't even to be found on the Club site ...

Da Rev would like to stay overnight in the Last Chance Garage with this '56 Studebaker Golden Hawk . . .
Don't smoke in bed . . .