Photo: Da Rev's Uncle Butch, whom I lovingly refer to as a nut-fundie. He resides in Moraine, Ohio. He posts screeds on message boards under the handle John3_16
Butch is a peasant, as am I, I guess. I hope he appreciates this...
MORNING" - by Jim Harrison
Writer’s Almanac
On Easter morning all over America
the peasants are frying potatoes in bacon grease.
We're not supposed to have "peasants"
but there are tens of millions of them
frying potatoes on Easter morning,
cheap and delicious with catsup.
If Jesus were here this morning he might
be eating fried potatoes with my friend
who has a '51 Dodge and a '72 Pontiac.
When his kids ask why they don't have
a new car he says, "these cars were new once
and now they are experienced."
He can fix anything and when rich folks
call to get a toilet repaired he pauses
extra hours so that they can further
learn what we're made of.
I told him that in Mexico the poor say
that when there's lightning the rich
think that God is taking their picture.
He laughed.
Like peasants everywhere in the history
of the world ours can't figure out why
they're getting poorer. Their sons join
the army to get work being shot at.
Your ideals are invisible clouds
so try not to suffocate the poor,
the peasants, with your sympathies.
know that you're staring at them.
"OHIO (used to be) THE HEART OF IT ALL"
Gays lobby lawmakers but report little progress
From the article:
"A national study released Wednesday by the group
(Equality Ohio) ranked Ohio last among all 50 states for gay-friendly laws... “Top states: California
and Minnesota, with scores of 10... Ohio's score: minus 2…"
The punditry refers to them as "values" voters - an activist minority - who keep returning incumbents to state office who focus on a narrow agenda reflecting their cultivated ignorance, parochialism, xenophobia, bigotry, and overt hatred in this only-recently reddened state. Meanwhile, many of the rest of us watch in amazement as the bidness of the state - for example - real tax reform, property tax relief, fair school funding, infrastructure maintenance, medicaid restructuring and attention to rising tuition costs at state universities - remains undone.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who suspects that the folks who raise the loudest clatter about homosexuals may be less than secure in their own sexuality. O' course many homophobes also harbor
bigoted opinions regarding people of other races or religions, or ethnic or
national origin. It doesn't take a psychoanalyst to figure there are some
self-esteem issues underlying their fears and loathing...
JESUS got himself all washed, oiled and perfumed for the party only to discover to his disappointment that some dummy invited girls also. ChristOnThe Crapper
the capital.
OR - why don't we include the Mexican gummint in our plans to secure the border and stabilize Mexican immigration?
IF we could structure a subsidization of families in Mexico whose head of household, mainly husband-fathers, who stay home and work near home, I'm sure it would be less co$tly to the federal, state and local budgets and our social service infrastructure. Certainly, such a plan would have the potential of strengthening the economy of Mexico and relieve some of the pressure on the US, giving our elected officials some breathing space to develop and implement a fair immigration system that should benefit most parties north and south of the border.
Yup, it’s a suspense novel, a thriller that I found to be a fairly entertaining one at that. Please note that "The DaVinci Code" has been at the top of the bestseller lists for FICTION for over three years now. It has not appeared on any non-fiction lists that I'm aware of.
As the ornery but gifted Brit character actor Ian McKellan, who shines a pivotal supporting role in the Ron Howard movie, stated in an interview, "I think the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front of the book saying it is fiction - fiction - FICTION!"
They gave him 4-months for insulting officials of the Iranian dictatorship... Fortunately, Nik lives in exile in Canada.
Iranian expatriates living in Canada yesterday confirmed reports that the Iranian parliament, called the Islamic Majlis, passed a law this week setting a dress code for all Iranians, requiring them to wear almost identical "standard Islamic garments."
The law, which must still be approved by Iran's "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenehi before being put into effect, also establishes special insignia to be worn by non-Muslims.
Iran's roughly 25,000 Jews would have to sew a yellow strip of cloth on the front of their clothes, while Christians would wear red badges and Zoroastrians would be forced to wear blue cloth...
Bernie Farber, the chief executive of the Canadian Jewish Congress, said he was "stunned" by the measure. "We thought this had gone the way of the dodo bird..."
Well, the officials in Iran's religio-fascist gummint ARE dodo birds! Aren't these the clowns who continually DENY the HOLOCAUST?!
In a recent message board exchange, Da Rev encountered a poster posturing as a white American who was all honked-off 'cuz he spotted "EBONY" magazine, the No. 1 African-American magazine in the world, in the racks at his physician's office. Typically, the provocateur cried foul, pointing out that the pages of the 60-year-old publication were "filled with black people" and "I only saw one white person and that was in an 'add'..."
On-line racists tend to lack imagination. A variant of this complaint is, "Why do they have a 'Miss Black America Pageant'. What do you think would happen if someone put on a "Miss White America Pageant?"
Responding to their posts becomes tedious, but Da Rev can't let 'em lie. Of course, one can point to the fact that many mainstream American institutions, from beauty pageants to magazines to scholarships to positions on professional sports teams, etc., represented only (or mostly) white participants until fairly recently in US history. Consequently, "EBONY magazine was founded nearly 60-years ago to offer new hope and positive images in a world that showed few positive images of African-Americans.EBONY has more features on Black women, men, teens, children
and families than any other magazine" according to the magazine's website.
BUT WAIT! African-Americans aren't the only group publishing and reading publications that reflect their particular historical and cultural interests. A recent issue of a magazine Da Rev, who is Irish-French-German American, happens to have on hand,
"Irish America", lists the "TOP 100 Irish American Business
People" with complete bios on guys like the most famous (former) CEO in the world, Jack Welch, C-SPAN Founder-CEO Brian Lamb and William Clay Ford, Jr.
Orange you glad we steered you toward this sweet Tangerine Dream CHRYSLER convertible?
Good fortune. COMMENT! Please spread the meme. Don't smoke in bed...