BUSTED: biblical literalist, creationist-crusader Ken Hovind! Among "Hovind's Howlers" are his assertion that men and dinosaurs roamed the earth together. He loves to refer to "Eve" as the "first loudspeaker"...
Published - July, 13, 2006
Evangelist arrested on tax evasion
by Michael Stewart HERE
A Pensacola evangelist was arrested Thursday and indicted in federal court on 58 charges that include income tax evasion, making threats against investigators and filing false complaints against Internal Revenue Service agents.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Miles Davis handed down the indictment against Kent Hovind, who operated a creationist theme park Dinosaur Adventure Land, off Old Palafox Road.
Hovind’s wife, Jo Hovind, was also indicted on 44 of the counts and appeared in court alongside her husband.
Arraignment for the Hovinds is scheduled for2 p.m. Monday. The couple was released pending their trial but are not allowed to travel outside the Northern District of Florida.
MORE "HOWLERS" - from Infidels.org.
The most remarkable thing about Dr. Kent Hovind and his followers,
is their extreme gullibility. It seems that they will believe
anything, absolutely anything, as long as it fits their make-believe
model. Among the many absurd things that Hovind expressed in this
debate and previous seminars and debates were:
- Noah was probably twelve feet tall and probably had an IQ of about four hundred.
- Six or seven twelve foot human skeletons were found in a coal mine in West Virginia.
- A ninety foot plumb tree, complete with fruit was found frozen in the ice, north of the Arctic Circle.
- A man was swallowed by a whale and lived in his stomach for two days before the whale's stomach was cut open to free the man. Hovind says the man completely recovered in about two weeks.
- The leg bones of the Australopithecine "Lucy" were found a mile and a half from the head bones, in strata 200 feet deeper.
- Living dinosaurs can be found in many places on the earth. Hovind admits however, that he has never found any.
- Living sea monsters can be found in many lakes through the world.
- Twelve pharaohs, listed in chronological order by the Egyptian calendar, were all pharaohs at the same time and ruled over different parts of Egypt.
- Modern evolutionists say "no missing links can be found", they say "maybe a reptile laid an egg and a bird hatched out."
- The geological column does not exist.
- NASA says that the earth's magnetic field has a half life of eight hundred and thirty five years.
- Ice becomes magnetic at three to four hundred degrees below zero and the ice ages were probably caused by a comet that blew apart when it approached the earth. The earth's magnetic field pulled the ice to the poles.
- Ice at the South pole is fourteen thousand feet deep but it never snows there.
- Thomas H. Huxley said: "The reason we have chosen evolution is because of our sexual freedoms we get with this lifestyle." In other words, this devoted family man, Thomas Huxley who argued the "evidence" of evolution at every opportunity, publicly stated, during the height of Victorian times, that the real reason he believed in evolution was that it allowed him to be sexually promiscuous.
- The story of Jacob placing striped, speckled and spotted sticks before animals when they mated and therefore causing them to have striped, speckled and spotted offspring, (Gen. 30:37-39) is just an example of "artificial insemination." (Yes, believe it or not, he actually said that and I have it on tape to prove it.)