“The only suitable attitude toward oneself and the world is the awareness of pathetic, slapstick comedy. You go staggering around the big top and they keep hitting you with bladders, stuffing you into funny little cars with eighteen other clowns, pursuing you with ducks . . .
The more you strive to be sensible and serious and meaningful, the less chance you have of becoming so. The primary objective is to laugh.”
[- John D. MacDonald.]
o<(:{p> Da Rev wearin' a funny hat with his tongue stickin' out!
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DEAR READER: Helium is plentiful in our environmental air. However, when it is inhaled in high concentrations, it alters the timbre and raises the pitch of the voice, leading to speech that sounds like that of cartoon characters. The practice of occasionally inhaling helium is not considered by most authorities to be a health hazard.
Da Rev is happy to report. Cheeses, there’s nothing funnier for about 15 minutes than a roomful of people taking turns huffin' helium from tank with a fixture for balloons and singin', “Follow the yellow brick road. Follow the yellow brick road.” Or how about, “FEEeeeeel - ings, Wo, wo, wo FEEeeeeel - ings ... ”
Once at an annual birthday celebration in Dayton for super-rocker, singer-guitarist-icon from Kent State, Joe Walsh, we all filled balloons with helium from a tank. Then we sucked it up and sang Happy Birthday into a recorder. Friends, I’m here to tell you, there is nothing that moves one quite like a crowd of 30 or so men and women singing in little nasal fairy voices a heartfelt “Happy Birthday, Dear Joe-oh,” and, in harmony, yet - “Happy Birthday to yooooooooou!”
Laugh and the world laughs with you - if you're lucky... Good luck with that...
Cry and your make-up and mascara run all down your face and ruin your white collar and you look like SHIT!
Da Rev