(Click on image to ENLARGE it)
Downloading Fear & Loathing...
A giant record company sent representatives to my house in exotic Metro Fairborn yesterday and presented an amnesty plan for my "stealing" (their word) music on the Internet. They promise they won’t sue me if I fess up, admit my guilt, and delete the songs from the ol' Gateway jukebox. I agreed.
The tall albino in the Oakley wire sunglasses, alligator shoes, and sage Armani day suit bitch-slapped me — twice - and made me promise never again to post jokes about Celine Dion.
Barbie Dolls are banned in Saudi Arabia. It seems Saudi Arabia’s religious police believe that Barbie Dolls threaten the morality of the country.
It’s okay to have 18 wives, you just can’t have a Barbie.
Good fortune. COMMENT! Please spread the meme. Don't smoke in bed...