One Word For You: Premium!
Remember the party scene in The Graduate where Benjamin Braddock is buttonholed by his father's friend who has one word for him, "Just one word"?
Well, Da Rev has one word for you: Premium!
Due to the amazing success of this blog, Da Rev has decided to offer a Premium! option...
Following the successful model of SALON and several other pay-per-view sites, I've implemented a Premium! area to provide core readers with the best this site has to offer.
Membership has its privileges:
- Only Premium! subscribers can turn off annoying pop-ups, flashing lights and sirens.
- Premium! culture vultures get a 10% discount on my new pay-site - Rev. Art's Bounty of Betty's Naughty Bits
Album with customized content featuring hard to find nude celeb photos
of Betty Paige, Betty White, Betty Boop, Betty Furness, Betty Rubble,
Betty Bowers, Betty Buckley, Bette Midlar, Betty Ford, Nurse Betty, Betty Dodson , Benny Hill . . .
- Premium! members are automatically signed up to receive information from crappy advertisers and special weekly e-promotions.
Sign up now! OFFER ENDS APRIL 1!
Rev. Art
Shamelessly coopted from Low Culture