I'm not aware of any atheists who have jumped up and down, screamed obscenities and threatened to execute the Pope and all who insult their naturalistic world-view.
Some things need to be said:
Crusades and counter-crusades, massacres and The Holocaust don't help to make the case that the world is a better place for its religions, whether they're true or false. Preaching hatred toward Christians, Jews or Muslims, one or the other against one or the other, for reasons of heresy or apostasy, makes about as much sense as if the phrenologists threatened the astrologers and the fortune tellers predicted the demise of both...
The bishops of all the Christian sects, the rabbis ministering to the various Jewish sects and the imams leading the various Islamic sects are ALL CHARLATANS! Sure they are! No god ever revealed ANYTHING to any of the MEN who claimed he did. And for all their scholarly studies and pondering of select texts - I accuse them of conspiring to delude the masses. I'm convinced that Dobson and Falwell and Robertson know that what they're preachin' isn't worth a sack of untreated bull excrement. The reasons are many - from control of the masses to MONEY!
If people all over the world could just get a clue - if they all opted out of their theistic bonds - all those freakin' clerics would have to get REAL JOBS!
Oh, my...