Let the infidel insurgency begin!
Brethren and Sistern, I’m a self-ordained Minister of Rants in the Universal Life Ministries, where Bishop Kirby Hensley, who has since tripped over a rainbow, conferred upon me the Doctorate of Motivation; I am an Atheologian, a Heathen Epistler, a Freethought Evangelist, poor but honest, and much more clever than you.
If you would like to contribute, send $20. minimum to The Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship, Metro Fairborn, Ohio, USA.
Da Rev don’t send out no crappy prayer cloths. Act now and mail in your love offerin' and Da Rev will send you a CD of Original Holy Land Hits, such as the original unwed teenage Mother Mary singin', “Rock-a bye Your Baby Jesus to a Dixie Melody”!
For now, just put your hand on your PC, and repeat after me - “It could happen, sure it could!”
Say Halleluiah! Say it again!
I do affirm. Da Rev won’t rest 'til every man, woman and REPUBLICAN LOST OUT IN SIN AND IGNORANCE has a positive mental attitude. Whatever the mind can believe and perceive, it can achieve. If it were not so I would not have told it to you.
Brace up and face it! The sun shines on him that gets out in it. And the sun, my dear friends, is a-shinin ((((GASP!))) ON BOTH SIDES-uh - OF THE STREET! SAY HALLELUIAH!
For it is written, what doth it profiteth a man if'n he worketh from sun to sun and he don’t get none?! Da Rev pays attention to the little people. Da Rev knows what the little man needs-hah! Every little man NEEDS A LITTLE WOMAN (((GASP!))) ! SAY HALLELUIAH!
And don’t forget - HAH! To dig down deep in them jeans and pull out them greens. The sound of coins hittin' the offerin' plate rattles Da Rev somethin' terrible. SAY HALLELUIAH!
THANK YOU HIM! ! + + +
"Among mammals, a virgin birth (parthenogenesis) can only produce female offspring, for chromosomal reasons. Messiahs are mammals. Therefore, Jesus was ...
On the other hand, among turkeys, the chromosomal situation is such that all products of virgin birth are males. So if Jesus was a male, he might also have been ..."
[ - Frank Zindler, CORI, Amer. Atheists ]
She asked, “As an atheist, where do you turn when things get rough?”
Da Rev answered, "Or what does Da PaganBaby call out when Da Rev brings her to climax?
Seriously, I’m happy to answer:
I subscribe to a realistic alternative to theologies of despair and ideologies of violence and I embrace the material world as a source of rich personal significance and I take genuine satisfaction in service to others. I have no “god” or higher authority than me. I am what I am and that’s all that I am. At the end of the day, all we have is ourselves and, if we are fortunate, friends and family.
I believe in optimism rather than pessimism, hope rather than despair, learning in the place of dogma, truth instead of ignorance, joy rather than guilt or sin, tolerance in the place of fear, love instead of hatred, compassion and the virtue of selfishness, beauty instead of ugliness, and reason rather than blind faith or irrationality.
I believe in the fullest realization of the best and noblest that we are capable of as human beings. Prayer may bring comfort to the believer, but, as I have indicated, I would rather deal with life straight on as consistent within Nature than depend upon an entity for which I have no evidence and no reason to believe. Unlike many religionists, I have no doubt that works are more important than faith.
Rev. Art – Atheologian
I’ve been accused of vulgarity. Christians mostly, send me angry e-mails. I say that’s bullsploot. I’m reminded of the Greek proverb: “Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar.” Vulgarity is the garlic in the salad of taste. Isn’t it? Well, damn it, I think it is!
As Gloria Steinem said:
“The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off!”
The point is that everyone is not a Christian and the Christians are not all on the same page when it comes to cultural change. If our gummint was run according to a sacred text, this could be the United States of Iran
Please remember that for many people religion is not a search for truth but a search for security. I am always amazed at how fundamentalists and evangelicals try to put an academic face on their rather poor evangelical education. They subscribe to dogma spewed forth by people with degrees from evangelical schools like Bob Jones, Oral Roberts and Liberty Baptist that are worth something only to those who value the kind of education one receives in such a place. If you were to see a teacher’s contract at Liberty Baptist College you would find that it tells the teacher what he or she cannot teach, like evolution, for example.
These schools and the Church leaders who put pressure on them are infected with the idea that they both know the truth and possess it. This means you do not admit into your world anything that challenges your version of truth, which is the process through which a teacher becomes a propagandist rather than an educator.
Evangelicals and conservative Roman Catholics attack what they call “liberal” scholarship and, by implication, suggest that they possess “conservative” scholarship. That is self-serving propaganda. There is no such thing as conservative or liberal scholarship. There is only competent and incompetent scholarship. Competent scholarship may be interpreted in a liberal or conservative direction but the scholarship itself must be competent.
The Church will either adapt to new knowledge or it will die. Any institution, religious or not, deserves to die if it becomes irrelevant.
DUBYA and the extremely dumb and annoying senator from Pennsylvania, Prick Santorum, pick and choose their counsel from the Bible concerning same-sex marriage. Is it a matter of convenience that they overlook the Bible’s apparent sanctioning of multiple wives?
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What did JHWH think when Lot’s two daughters got their old man drunk and jumped his bones? Y' know their reasoning was that he was the only seed-bearin' dude from their “tribe”. It just wouldn’t do t' shack up with folks from another culture, or ethnic group, or religion or people who didn’t believe in Baptism by immersion.
So - the “flood” was a mitigating factor, you say? How high’s the water, Papa?
Have you noticed - that no matter how ill the Pope may be, they never transport him to Lourdes for a cure ... What kind of meat does the Pope eat on Friday? NONE - you say?
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Bill the Cynic writes: I am gratified to see that our state legislature has begun to take decisive action to solve the problems of low test scores, school funding, decaying school infrastructures, and poor school lunches. Yes, by demanding that every classroom, lunchroom, and auditorium be graced with the state motto our busy and creative state lawmakers have once again demonstrated what must be a statehouse dictum. When you cannot do anything constructive to solve a problem, do something stupid instead.
It’s a lame motto, isn’t it - the motto - “With God all things are possible”? I think it’s divisive 'cuz everybody doesn’t have the same God. Some don’t even have a God at all. I think there are several mottos that might be more helpful - if not inspirational - at least, maybe more representative of the State of Ohio. (These were picked up by the Cinn Enquirer!).
“Ohio — Road Construction Ahead”
“Ohio — A river runs through it."
“What a state we’re in”
“With casinos in every public school basement in Ohio, all things are possible”
“With Repugs runnin' the legislature, all laws are stupid.”
With the outsourcing of jobs from Ohio, maybe this one works:
“With Home-Based Envelope Stuffing and Sausage Stuffing Entrepreneurial Endeavors, all things are possible.”
“With ‘you know who,’ all things are possible.”
90% of abortions are done in the first trimester. Later-term abortions, which may incorporate “D&X” procedures, an abbreviation of “dilate and extract,” or “Intact D&E,” or “Intrauterine Cranial Decompression” procedures, are often referred to imprecisely by the propaganda phrase coined by religious zealots, “partial birth abortion”.
These procedures are usually performed for one of the following reasons:
__There are mental or physical health problems related to the pregnancy.
__ The fetus has been found to be dead, badly malformed, or suffering from a very serious genetic defect. This is often only detectable late in the second trimester.
__3rd Trimester: They are also very rarely performed in late pregnancy. The most common justifications at that time are:
__The fetus is dead.
__The fetus is alive, but continued pregnancy would place the woman’s life in severe danger.
__The fetus is alive, but continued pregnancy would grievously damage the woman’s health and/or disable her.
__The fetus is so malformed that it can never gain consciousness and will die shortly after birth. Many which fall into this category have developed a very severe form of hydrocephalus.
Again, “partial birth abortion” is imprecise language selectively coined and employed by religious zealots to try to deny women autonomy over their bodies.
If YOU call them “babies” - these mostly damaged fetuses - do you volunteer to adopt whatever is born, to nourish and care for it, spending all your time and money on it? That’d be a good thing - IF YOU feel that way. Then the husband and wife may be able to try once again to bring a healthy baby into their world. I love happy endings.
Faith: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [ - Ambrose Bierce: The Devil’s Dictionary ]
Pray: To ask that the laws of the universe be nullified on behalf of a single petitioner, admittedly unworthy. [ - Ambrose Bierce: The Devil’s Dictionary ]
Bush speaks out about faith / DDN, Letter to the Editor from Paul Harris
I was one of the lucky few who was fortunate enough to ask the president a question when he was in the Dayton area. I asked him about his faith, and was surprised that even before I finished the question, he received a standing ovation.
It wasn’t because of my question, but because of his outspokenness about his faith. Say what you will about President George W. Bush, but one thing cannot be disputed, and that is his integrity, honesty, and faith in a higher power that leads his daily life.
I wonder if Sen. John Kerry, when faced with a similar question, could answer with the same conviction. Would he even answer?
Paul Harris
June 3, 2004
/ Letter to the Editor from Rev. Art
To the Editor of the Dayton Daily News:
What a fortunate opportunity for a recent letter writer to directly question President ("Bush speaks out about faith" / DDN, 6-3-2004. The writer asked the President about his faith and then took great satisfaction in the standing ovation of the partisan crowd, apparently assuming it was an endorsement of Bush’s ubiquitous, outspoken posturing on behalf of a particular evangelical Christian worldview. The writer even wondered how Senator Kerry would answer a question about his faith.
I find this line of questioning troubling, due to the extra-Constitutional character of the exchange, and because it excludes, by connotation every American citizen who adheres to a differing life view. What part of “NO LAW respecting an establishment of RELIGION” is misunderstood?
At a time when a small cadre of principals in this administration have placed thousands of young people in harms way in Iraq, one would hope the valorous performance and sacrifice of America’s troops will not end in the establishment of another majoritarian sectarian state or theocracy.
Consequently, I do not find it helpful for the President of the United States to blandly ignore the secular, pluralistic character of this great Republic since its founding. The continuing existence of our country depends on complete separation between the government and religion. That is best for the government and for religion.
Respectfully, Da Rev
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Out behind Doc Shuler's
"Feel Good" Crystal Cathedral . . .
I think - thererfore, I am an atheist . . .
Good fortune!