Keith is a guest blogger @ Minister of Rants
Read Keith @ Guest Blogs
Some Keith Taylor Columns @ Voice of San Diego
Keith Taylor is a long-time on-line buddy who lives in Chula Vista, CA. Da Rev had the pleasant experience of having him as editor for some articles I submitted to a quality, ambitious, but, alas, now-defunct magazine called Atheist Nation.
Da Rev and a lot of other folks have been called "dirty atheists", but this guy, who calls himself Dipsey Dumpster in on-line atheist forums, gives new meaning to the term. Keith Taylor is a 70-sumpin' retired naval officer whose idea of fun involves running in 10K marathons and triathalons.
Keith says, "The Marines hold a mud run each year. It's a 10-K that's filled with obstacles. I ran it on assignment for the Auto Club magazine (and another article for Navy Times). The final obstacle was this mud pit, 35 yards long. The runners had to crawl under a series of wires suspended a few inches above the goo. Everybody ended up covered with the stuff. I actually washed a huge glob of mud out of my eye." Hence the title of the piece, "HERE'S MUD IN YOUR EYE" and the accompanying photo (sorry, it's degraded - no, NOT degrading).
Keith's narration describes the "10-K (6.2 mile run) up and down steep hills and over walls six-feet high. They'd crawled through streams, real and imaginary, and slithered through mud holes so large a pig with a lick of common sense wouldn't venture near the things ..."
Keith continues, "The grand finale of the race is a 35-yard mud pit with wires strung mere inches above the mud. Nobody gets through that without being covered with the stuff. Boy would mom have given me heck for this trick! My thirteen-year-old granddaughter, Brooke, was stationed there with a camera. As she snapped end-less pictures of me and a bunch of identical looking globs, I could hear her shout-ing: "WAY TO GO PAPA! YOU CAN DO IT!"
Alas, I could hardly see my adoring fan. Mud was in my eyes."
Keith Taylor can be reached at [email protected]
Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.
Posted by: Air Jordan shoes | November 01, 2010 at 10:58 PM
Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.
Posted by: Air Jordan shoes | November 01, 2010 at 10:58 PM