From CelebAtheists
From a February 1, 1999 profile of Groening in the Denver Post:
Matt Groening -- the executive producer of "The Simpsons," who pokes a lot of fun at religion -- was asked by The New York Times whether he believed in God and what he considers the most comical story in the Bible.
Said Groening: "I was very disturbed when Jesus found a demon in a guy, and he put the demon in a herd of pigs, then sent them off a cliff. What did the pigs do? I could never figure that out. It just seemed very un-Christian. Technically, I'm an agnostic, but I definitely believe in hell -- especially after watching the fall TV schedule."
In the September 6, 2000 edition of The Onion A.V. Club titled "Is There A God?", celebrities were asked the question. Groening was among those asked.
The Onion: Is there a God?
Matt Groening: [Laughs.] Hold on, I have to think about this. [Long pause.] If there is a God, all evidence shows that He hates me.